LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy

2161685785Is homophobia getting you down or biphobia making you anxious?

We all need help analyzing what is happening around us, how society negatively impacts us, and the messages we take in and believe. We may be better at helping other people see those things than when it is happening to us.

If you feel like the world is against you because you are queer, your workplace doesn’t have room for you, or your church gives lip service to including you but doesn’t really, you could benefit from affirmative therapy. Uncovering ways that insidious messages seep into our hearts and lives helps us reclaim our own ways of being and the freedom to create our own culture.

What is tricky about biphobia is that even the queer community can feel like it is against you or doesn’t have room for you at times. The places you are supposed to be able to go to find community may end up dumping more prejudice on you instead of supporting you. But where are the bi-affirmative places?

It’s not fair. Affirmative therapy can help.

Affirmative therapy takes a social justice stance.

As an affirmative therapist, I will point out how systems work against us.

My goal is to help you undo the internalized messages of self-loathing that cause us so much anxiety and depression. Being rejected for who we are from all angles is a stressor that straight people don’t have.

I will help you find or create an affirmative community. You don’t have to be so isolated.

It is painful to wonder if you are okay and if being the way you are is okay. You deserve to receive regular reminders that you are okay, just as you are.

2276175089“What if I need more specialized help?”

Everybody deserves to be treated fairly, no matter what kinds of problems they have.

I serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and pansexual clients who want to come out, have relationship struggles, or have conflicts with family or communities.

I also work with LGB clients who have suffered trauma, are grieving, or have mental health concerns that they want to be treated affirmatively in the context of the amount of stress they endure just for being who they are.

We can combine affirmative therapy with trauma therapy or grief therapy or develop coping strategies that help relieve anxiety and depression symptoms. If you think fair and effective treatment would help, please reach out. Let’s talk more and find out.